MFOA Leads the Revamping of the State Animal Welfare Program

YouTube video of TV news reports of special hearings in Augusta on the State’s Animal Welfare Program. In early 2000 MFOA lead the public outcry over the Animal Welfare Program’s lack of response to animal cruelty cases around the state, which initiated special hearings in Commmittee on Agriculture, Forestry and Conservation. In 2001 it culminated in the AWP director and state veterinarian being removed and the creation of the Animal Welfare Advisory Council (AWAC). The following video is three WCSH TV 6 News reports in 2000 on those hearings in Augusta. Reporters: Chris Rose, Pat Callahan and Sharon Rose.   

MFOA President and Executive Director, Robert Fisk, Jr. organized the opposition, chaired the working group and the committee to hire Norma Worley as new AWP Director, and served on AWAC in it first six years.  Note: Sen. John Nutting of Leeds, ME, long time animal-friendly sponsor, is prominent in these news reports and was instrumental in getting this legislation passed. 

Video: (8:25 minutes)


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