MFOA's Mission and Objectives & Tenets

                                 MAINE FRIENDS OF ANIMALS

Mission Statement 


“Maine Friends of Animals” [MFOA] is a statewide 501c3 non-profit organization that promotes the humane treatment of all animals, through education, advocacy and legislation. Since 1997, MFOA has been Maine’s leading voice for animal protection – working tirelessly to end animal cruelty in the state.

The organization’s objective is to organize, lead, champion and coalesce members, supporters, animal associations and advocates to more effectively take action on issues that affect animals. To embrace our motto: “Silence is the voice of complicity. Speak up for animals.”

The corporation’s goal is to increase its public value and the organizational ability to make the kind of differences that bring animal protection into mainstream thinking, and insures that the State of Maine continues to take animal cruelty seriously and advocates for a more humane society.


Objectives and Tenets



Welcome those wishing to help animals, whether total animal protection advocates or not, recognizing that even one issue can bring a person into the movement. We appreciate that interest and support, knowing the experience in helping with one concern leads to greater knowledge and understanding of many other issues which affect animals. We are most effective when animal welfare, animal protection, and animal rights advocates come together.   

Legislatively Focused

Monitor all Maine animal bills; research, consider and submit legislation; maintain a positive presence in the legislative process and with legislators; participate in lobbying and public/legislative animal-related campaigns; engage in social media outreach; provide members with “Action Alert” notifications and updates.  

Good Governance / Credibility 

Practice good governance, professionalism and strategic planning. Build greater public value with continued strong leadership, excellent resource management, and a battle-tested progressive legislative record. Continue to be the recognized voice for animals in Maine by working with animal advocates (individual as well as organizations), the legislature, state agencies, and the media.

Organize as One Voice

Encourage and organize state-wide involvement of animal protection advocates and activists, animal associations, humane societies, wildlife conservationists, shelters, pet owners, environmentalists and legislators to act and speak as one voice to most effectively address issues pertaining to animals in Maine. Set personal agendas aside and be disciplined in our approach, as our opponents are many, well-funded and legislatively savvy. Teamwork is vital.

Educationally Focused

Provide information on animal issues through outreach programs, tabling events, research, educational materials, website, and newsletters. The MFOA office is a resource center for members, the general public, legislators, and the media. Education leads to advocacy. Advocacy leads to legislation. Legislation leads to public knowledge and acceptance.

Politically Engaged

“Love animals. Hate politics. Where does that leave the animals?” The political process engages other like-minded activists, which helps build the needed coalitions to be successful. Be politically astute in determining issues, campaigns, opponents, and bills. Encourage members to become engaged by writing letters to the editor, submitting written testimony or speaking at public hearings, helping elect an animal-friendly legislator, or volunteering at tabling or fundraising events. 

Code of Behavior - How We Operate

  • Support a united organization and teamwork
  • Practice open communication 
  • Be an example of activism
  • Practice involvement and collaboration 
  • Promote trust and loyalty
  • Address problems proactively; deal with conflict responsibly
  • Show respect and integrity 
  • Be organized, efficient and effective 
  • Create and maintain a safe and creative workplace
  • Show appreciation 
  • “It is about the animals”
© 2025 Maine Friends of Animals | 190 U.S. Route 1, Falmouth, Maine USA 04105 | 207-781-2187

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