Pet Food Pantries in Maine

Complete list of Maine pet food pantries

All of us at Maine Friends of Animals  know that residents are having a hard time making ends meet, including feeding their pets.  Animal shelters throughout the state report increases in the number of animals being surrendered and report that some animals are being surrendered because their owners cannot provide food for them.  

A number of pet food pantries have been set up to assist Maine residents with providing for their animals. Maine Friends of Animals has compiled a list of resources to help provide temporary assistance to families with pets in the hopes of keeping companion animals healthy, out of the shelters and where they belong - with their families.   Please share with fellow animal parents who may need a helping hand (or paw.)

Androscoggin County 

Greater Androscoggin Humane Society
55 Strawberry Ave
Lewiston, ME    
Every Tuesday, 9-11 am

Kommunity Kritters

128 Pine St. Lewiston, ME 

Mon-Fri. 11am -5 pm

Aroostook County           

Houlton Humane Society
263 Callaghan Road
Houlton, ME
Mon-Sat 11am -4 pm
Call ahead for pet pantry assistance

Hollywood Pet Salon
70 Main Street
Houlton, ME
Call ahead for pet pantry assistance
Southern Aroostook Food Pantry
434 Callaghan Road
Houlton, ME
Every other week, Tues & Fri, 10 am -2 pm

Halfway Home Pet Rescue
Free Pet Food Pantry located in the Caribou Vet Clinic of the Presque Isle.
Animal Hospital building on Herschel Street in Caribou, Maine. It is open from 11 am to 6 pm on most Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. The Presque Animal Hospital provides HHPR with free space to have the pantry. FMI contact the vet hospital at 207-498-3873

Cumberland County                       

Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland. 
217 Landing Road
Westbrook, ME
Tues, Thurs, & Sat. from 3-5 pm
One time registration and food order form; see Pet Food Pantry
Camp Bow Wow
49 Blueberry Road
Portland, ME

Town of Standish Animal Control

Camp Bow Wow & Town of Standish: Refer to Animal Refuge League, links to
175 Northeast Road
Standish, ME
Pet Pantry open: Sundays, 1-3 pm call 

Steep Falls Library
1128 Pequawket Trail,
Steep Falls, ME   
Pet Pantry open Mon, Tues, & Wed. from 10 am to 7pm & Saturday 9 am to 1pm.

North Yarmouth Congregational Church
3 Gray Road  
North Yarmouth Congregational church: The Pet Place Pantry is open on the second Saturday of each month from 9 to 10 am for curbside pickup. Contact: or

Midcoast Humane Society
30 Range Road
Brunswick, ME
Midcoast Humane Society: Midcoast Humane Brunswick Campus & Edgecomb Campus (call 207-449-1366 ext. 206)

Franklin County                       

Franklin County Animal Shelter
550 Industry Rd,

Farmington, ME 04938

Every Saturday from 12 to 2 pm 

If you are in need of pet supplies, but are unable to come during our scheduled Pet Food Pantry time, please reach out to us at 207-778-2638 and we will be happy to help you during our office hours, Monday to Saturday 12 to 4 pm.

Hancock/Washington Counties

Sullivan Animal Food Eatery,
Sullivan Town Office
1888 Route 1
Sullivan, ME         
Open Mon-Thurs 8-4, Friday 8 am -12 pm
MDI Pet Food Pantry
located in the Bar Harbor Food Pantry in YMCA basement 
36 Mount Desert Street 
Hours: First 3 Tuesdays & Thursdays of the month; Tues 9-12, Thurs 4-6.
Organizer, Diana de los Santos, at 288-8382  or

Hardy’s Friends
Is a non-profit organization helping pet owners in need in the Gouldsboro & Winter Harbor areas by providing dog food, cat food, kitty litter, and basic flea and tick protection. This program is made possible through the generosity of friends and neighbors in these communities. To request assistance or get further information, please e-mail us at or call Susan Burke at 207- 963-7444.   

Deer Isle-Island Food Pantry
Island Community Center, lower level
6 Memorial Lane
Stonington, ME
Thursdays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., For more information contact Kathy Gray at 348-6181
Kennebec County

Amy Buxton Pet Pantry
South Parish Congregational Church 
9 Church Street
Augusta, ME
Open second Saturday of the month: 9:00 -10:00 AM
Office: Tuesday-Friday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
FMI 207-622-0552

Knox County

PAWS Pet Food Pantry
PAWS Animal Adoption Center
123 John Street
Camden, Maine 

Requests can be made online at or by calling 207-236-8702 to schedule an appointment for pick up.

Pope Memorial Humane Society
25 Buttermilk Lane
Thomaston, Maine
Community members in need of pet food support may call the shelter at 207-594-2200 to request food for their pets. You will be asked to provide the number and type of pets needing food and the town you reside in. Then, an appointment will be scheduled for food pickup. PMHS also partners with Meals on Wheels of Knox County. If you are a Meals on Wheels client, please contact them directly to request food delivery through the MOW program.

Lincoln County          
Midcoast Humane Society / Lincoln County Campus
27 Atlantic Highway
Edgecomb, ME
Midcoast Humane Brunswick Campus and Edgecomb Campus (call us at 207-449-1366 ext. 206)

Whitefield Food Pantry  1st Friday of the month 10 AM- 2 PM

Waldoboro Food Pantry  1st Tyes. Of the month 12-3 PM 

Penobscot County

Furry Friends Food Bank
Available through the Eastern Area Agency on Aging in Washington, Penobscot, Hancock and Piscataquis Counties. Services are for low income seniors and adults with disabilities and their companion animals. People must be enrolled with EAAA.
Call 941-2865 or 800-432-7812       

Bangor Humane Society
693 Mount Hope Ave
Bangor, ME
M-F 12-6 pm, Sat. 10-6 Sat
Mostly dog and cat food; supplies vary, call first.
Manna Ministries 
629 Main Street
Bangor, ME
207 990-2870
Occasionally has pet food; call ahead.

Piscataquis County

Give a Dog a Home - FEED the NEED Pet Pantry

187 Downs Road,

Sebec, ME 


Sagadahoc County

1328 Washington Street
Bath, ME 04530

Tuesday and Thursday 10 am - 2 pm, and 4-6 pm; call ahead  

Somerset County                           

Pet Food Pantry
Pleasant Street United Methodist Church
61 Pleasant Street
Waterville, ME
Distributions held on the second Friday of every month from 2 to 3 pm.

AniMeals for Seniors
Spectrum Generations in Hallowell and the Muskie Center in Waterville are running an AniMeal program in conjunction with the Meals on Wheels program for seniors. For more information, contact Lynda Johnson at 207-626-7777 or     

Waldo County

Waldo County Pet Food Pantry
34 Filed Street
Belfast, ME
207 322-3237
1st Wednesday and 3rd Saturday of every month from 12:30 - 1:30 PM

Washington County

First Light Farm Equine Shelter

576 Shore Road 
Perry, ME
207 952-0325. Please call in advance.

York County   

Community Outreach Services 
Food and Produce Pantry
Vinegar Hill Music Theatre  
53 Old Post Road 

Arundel, ME 

Pet Food available two ways:

1) By request through the three General Assistance offices (Kennebunk,
Kennebunkport, and Arundel), we work with to fulfill non-perishable food
pantry orders Monday -Friday. People can contact the GA office and they will in
turn forward the request to COS to fulfill.

2) Neighbors can request when they visit our Produce Pantry, which
currently is held Friday from 9 - 10 am and Tuesday 5 - 6pm

Nobowl Empty Pet Food Pantry 

238 Old Alfred Road, Waterboro.   207-233-2793

1st Wed. 10am-noon     2nd Thursday 5:30-7:30 PM (May thru Oct)      3rd Sunday  3pm-5pm.

The York County Shelter
140 Shaker Hill Road
Alfred, ME
Contact: Joan at 207-324-1137

Pittie Posse Rescue & York County Shelter has partnered to provide the pantry on the first Tuesday and the third Friday of each month, from 11 am to 1:00 pm at 5 Swetts Bridge Road in Alfred.

In kind or monetary donations can be sent to:
4 Scammon Street  
 Suite 19-324
Saco, ME 04072

Another Chance Animal Rescue
37 Market Street
North Berwick, ME


The Corner Cupboard
Sanford Unitarian Universalist Church
5 Lebanon Street
Sanford, ME
Open the third Saturday of every month from 9 am to 2 pm. Please note, for the month of May ONLY, the non-food pantry will be open the fourth Saturday of the month, May 25, same time of 9:00-2:00. You do not need to be a resident of Sanford to receive help from this pantry. Supplies include cat food, dog food, and cat litter.

Please call the office at 324.3191 or email us at


Maine State Society for the Protection of Animals
Feed and Care Bank to provide temporary, emergency assistance for Maine horses in need. Funds may be used towards hay, feed and supplements, farrier or dental services, routine vaccinations, and veterinary care.
Visit: to fill out a short online application.

Contact your local animal shelter and human food pantry. Food pantries typically only carry pet food when the items have been donated, so it is best to call ahead. Here is a list of human food pantries in Maine:

This list  was compiled by Maine Friends of Animals volunteers as a resource for our community.  If you know of a pet food pantry that is not on this list , or have an update to an existing listing, please contact us at  Thank you!



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