Animal Protection Measures Have Fallen Victim to an Unholy Alliance, 9/20/14 - Portland Press Herald

Bears Are Gentle, Elusive. Claims That They Will Attack Mainers is Unsupported, 10/14/14 - Bangor Daily News

MFOA Testimony in Favor of LD 396 “An Act to Prohibit the Use of Elephants in Traveling Animal Acts”


15 years and still fighting cruel coyote legislation                                            

By Jayne Winters  (February, 2015)  

During each legislative session, Maine Friends of Animals chooses a focus issue, such as our ‘Dogs Chained for Life’ campaign and the recent bear referendum to ban baiting, hounding and trapping of Maine black bears. Our focus for this upcoming session is ‘canned hunting.’ 

Maine Adopts Rules and Regulations for Circus Elephants


Special to Portland Press Herald 



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