Know the impact you can have by being a vegetarian / vegan. Every time you choose compassion, you’re making a difference!
Animal agriculture generates billions of gallons of waste - consisting of feces, urine, blood and rotting body parts
Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation
Plant-based actions reduce our carbon footprint; methane / greenhouse gas emissions are a significant contributor to climate change
One-third of the earth’s fresh water is used by the meat and dairy industry
Farm animals are sentient beings with many human characteristics and emotions
Cows are complex, social animals who bond and grieve when friends or family die
Pigs are highly intelligent, equal to a dog or a young child, and are family oriented
Goats are very curious and social and play, fight and make-up
Turkeys nuzzle, snuggle and produce a purr when content
Chicks learn from their mothers who steer them away from unhealthy food or predators
Sheep are problem-solvers and can remember at least 50 other sheep for years
The scourge of factory farms
Hidden from public view, the cruelty that occurs on factory farms Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations - CAFOs) is easy to ignore, but it is immense and brutal. For farms animals it is a short life confined in crowded cages, pens or restrictive stalls, 24/7, never seeing daylight, and often subject to abusive practices – all the mistreatment and a miserable existence to maximize profits. And there is no greater killer of animals.
A more healthy diet
Plant-based diets have been shown to help manage, prevent and in some cases even reverse cancer, diabetes and heart disease. They tend to lower weights, cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
Plant based foods are more available and accessible and better produced, cooking classes and books continue to increase, and there are more restaurants catering to vegetarian and vegan diets.
As precision fermentation (faux meat) becomes better and more advanced, innovative business models are producing ever-improving products that are less expensive than animal-derived products, and are also more nutritious, better tasting and more convenient. This protein disruption will be driven by economics.