Surprise Bequeathment and Musings of 25-year Supporter

Surprise Bequeathment

From long time supporter Sally Yarnish, Mexico, ME 


Since MFOA was founded, member Sally Yarnish donated $15 (minimal amount in 1997 to be a member) every year. She lived by herself in a modest home, attended high school in Mexico, ME and attended her local church. She had no immediate family, generally kept to herself and also apparently followed MFOA. This past winter, tragically, she was hit by a car while crossing the street in her neighborhood and died. Unbeknownst to MFOA, she left her home and estate, which was a sizable amount, to MFOA. Sally’s generosity was greatly appreciated by MFOA and we will continue to speak for the animals in her memory.


Musings of a 25-year Supporter


“If you were a critter, how would you like to be treated? Summer, fall, winter, spring ….. how would you like to be treated? In addition, if someone took your voice away, how would you like being: abused, neglected, abandoned, poached, experimented on, black marketed, stolen, put in a ring and forced to fight, steal leghold trapped, shot for fur left all alone to die, put in a cage and smuggled to God knows where? And how would you feel about all of this even with a voice, let alone no voice. No voice, no lawyer to argue your case, no advocate. Except individual people or groups of people who have a passion for critters and are willing to sacrifice their time, talents, energy, and money to be their voice, their advocate.”

Rev. Thomas F. Potter, Jefferson, ME


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